The Use of Television Advertisement in Increasing the Students’ Achievement in Writing Narrative Paragraph (INTRODUCTION)
Written by Ari Julianto
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As we know, writing is one of the English skills in school. In teaching and learning a foreign language, writing is very helpful for the students to learn a language because it provides many advantages, such as: writing reinforce, grammar, structure, idiom, and vocabulary. Therefore, the students have chances to be adventurous with the language to express ideas and constant use of eyes and brain in a unique way to reinforce a new language. A short reflection should convince the students that they think about many things and a solution to the problem will be found at last in an examination of what they already have in mind. The purpose of writing paragraph is the students can write what their want to write based on what they think.
The researcher chose the topic of writing by considering that based on the experience in teaching English that some of the students have several problems in writing paragraph. There were 30% of the students who still did not know how to write narrative paragraph. The problems are they do not have any media as an inspiration for their writing. Besides, they still have no idea what kind of writing they must chose in writing a paragraph.
Reeves (1998: 1) stated that there are two major approaches to using media and technology in schools. First, students can learn “from” media and technology, and second, they can learn “with” media and technology. Learning “from” media and technology is often referred to in terms such as instructional television, computer-based instruction, or integrated learning systems. Learning “with” technology is referred to in terms such as cognitive tools and constructivist learning environments.
One of the media is television. Most all children like to imitate what they watch especially the words appear in television. Students sometimes repeat the words in television especially through advertisement. Advertisement is broadcasted over and over each time for commercial break. Children or students sometimes do not want to miss this commercial break of advertisement.dvertisements, as a public notice or announcement, usually paid for, as of thing for sale, needs, etc.
Agustrijanto (2002: 7) points out “Advertisement is each from of communication that has intended to motivate, to promote a product at a service to someone, the potential buyers”. This influenced and wins the public’s opinion to think and take measures in accordance with the wish of the advertiser.
From the explanation of the advertisement, generally advertisement is defined as non personal communication of information usually paid for and persuade in nature about products, services, or ideas be identified sponsor through various media. In advertisement, there are many multimedia terms to represent their needs. Through advertisement, students can express what they remember in writing. From writing we can obtain the students’ ability in understanding the message of the advertisement.
Writing a narrative text by using a TV advertisement can be an interesting lesson for the students because they can explore what they want to write in their mind based what they remember by watching advertisement. Regardless of the approach, media and technology have been introduced into schools because it is believed that they can have positive effects on teaching and learning.
Based on the previous explanation, the researcher would like to analyze the students’ ability in writing narrative paragraph based on the use of TV advertisement. The reasons for choosing this topic are as follows
1. TV advertisement is one of media can improve the students’ ability in learning language especially writing, Kozma (1991: 9),
2. Students sometimes take an example from what they watch in their daily lives,
3. Students can explore what they watch and remember by writing a narrative paragraph based on TV advertisement.
B. The Identification of the Problems
The problems of this study are identified as follows:
1. the improvement of students’ writing narrative paragraph by using TV advertisement,
2. the students’ behavior when they study narrative paragraph by using TV advertisement.
C. The Scope and Limitation
This research is focused on the use of TV advertisement in teaching narrative paragraph especially the students’ ability and disability in writing narrative paragraph based on TV advertisement broadcasted in Indonesia. There are many advertisements and in this research, the researcher only chose the advertisement appeared in television. In television, the researcher chose the educational advertisement and that is why the kind of food advertisement .......... as the object of this research. Meanwhile, the subjects of this research are the first year (X) of .................of academic year 2012/2013. In this case, the students have to watch the .............advertisement at home or by video clip in handphone for many times.
D. The Formulation of the Study
The problems of this study were formulated as follows
1. does the use of TV advertisement improve the students’ ability in writing narrative paragraph?
2. how do the students behave when they study narrative paragraph through TV advertisement?
E. The Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study are as follows:
1. to describe the students’ improvement in writing narrative paragraph by using TV advertisement,
2. to find out the students’ behavior in writing narrative paragraph by using TV advertisement.
F. The Significance of the Study
It is expected that the results of this study will be useful for:
1. the university students who would like to write a narrative paragraph based on TV advertisement,
2. contribution of the teachers/lecturers who would like to know the students’ ability in writing a narrative paragraph,
3. other researcher who are interested in writing based on TV advertisement, and finally
4. the high school students who would like to improve their ability in writing a narrative paragraph.
Agustrijanto. 2002. Copy Writing. Bandung: Rosda Karya.
Kozma, R.B. 1991. Learning with Media. Review of Educational Research, 61(2), 179-212. University of Michigan.
Reeves, Thomas C. 1998. The Impact of Media and Technology in Schools,.Georgia: The University of Georgia.
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