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Penilaian dengan Skala Holistik dan Analistik (untuk Writing dan Speaking)

Penilaian dengan Skala Holistik dan Analistik (untuk Writing dan Speaking)

 by J. Charles Alderson et al in Language Test Construction and Evaluation,Cambridge University Press,1995, pp 108-110.

Subject marking tests are usually used for marking tests of writing or speaking. Examiner are required to make judgements which are more complicated than "right-wrong" decision. This scale may consists of number, letters or other labels (ex. "Excellent" or "Very good") which may accompanied by statements of the kind of behavior that each point on the scale refer to. These statements are called "descriptors".
There are basically two types of scales. Examiners may be asked to give a judgement on a candidate's performance as a whole, in which case they will use a holistic scale.

1. Holistic Scale
This type of scale is sometimes also called impression scale, especially when examiners are asked to make their judgements quickly.
18-20    Excellent Natural English with minimal errors and complete realisation of the task set.
16-17    Very good More than a collection Simple sentences, with good vocabulary and structures: Some non-basic errors,
12-1.5    Good    Simple but accurate realisation of the task set with sufficient naturalness of English and not many errors.
8-11    Pass    Reasonably correct but awkward and non-communicating or fair and natural treatment of subject, with some serious errors.
5-7    Weak    Original  vocabulary and grammar both inadequate to the subject.
0-4    Very poor Incoherent. Errors . show lack of bask knowledge of English

2. Analytic Scale Other examiners may be asked to judge several components of a performance separately (e.g. handwriting, paragraphing, grammar, choice of vocabulary). This type of marking requires an' analytic scale; where descriptors are given for each component. In analytic marking the candidate may receive higher rating on one component of the performanze than on another; it is up to the institution to decide whether or how to combine these different ratings to provide an overall mark.

Relevance and Adequacy of Content

0.The answer bears almost no relation to the task sets Totally inadequate answer.
1. Answer of limited relevance to the task set. Possibly major gaps in treatment of topic and/or pointless repetition.
2. For the most part answers the task set, though there may be some gaps or redundant information.
3. Relevant and adequate answer to the task set.

Compositional Organisation
0. No apparent organisation of content.
1. Very little organisation of content. Underlying structures not sufficiently apparent.
2. Some organisational skills in evidence but not adequately controlled.   
3. Overall shape and internal pattern clear. Organisational skills adequately controlled.

0. Cohesion almost totally absent. Writing is so fragmentary that comprehension of the intended communication is virtually impossible.
1. Unsatisfactory cohesion may cause difficulty in comprehension of most of the intended communication.
2. For the most part satisfactory cohesion though occasional deficiencies may mean that certain parts of the communication are not always effective.
3. Satisfactory use of cohesion resulting in effective communication.

Adequacy of Vocabulary for Purpose0. Vocabulary inadequate even for the most basic parts of the intended communication.
1. Frequent inadequacies in vocabulary for the task . Perhaps frequent' lexical inappropiiacics and/or repetitions.
2. Some inadequacies in vocabulary for the task. Perhaps some lexical  inappropriacies and/or circumlocution.
3. Almost no inadequacies in vocabulary for the task. Only rare  inappropriacies andlor circumlocution.

0. Almost all grammatical patterns inaccurate.
I.  Frequent grammatical inaccuracies.
2. Some grammatical inaccuracies.
3. Almost no grammatical inaccuracies.

Mechanical Accuracy I (Punctuation)0. Ignorance of conventions of punctuation.
1. Low standard of accuracy of punctuation.
2. Some inaccuracies of punctuation.
3. Almost no inaccuracies of punctuation.

Mechanical Accuracy II (Spelling)0. Almost all spelling inaccurate.
I. Low standard of accuracy in spelling.
2. Some inaccuracies in spelling.
3. Almost no inaccuracies in spelling.

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